Skhema | Docs

icon picker
Chrome Extension

Michael Lovell


Go to the , or click on the direct link below:
Install extension
Install the Skhema Chrome Extension
Log in to your Skhema account



Navigate to a webpage
Highlight any text


Open any pdf. from a document url in a Chrome browser
Click the notification dialog in the top right to open the document in
2. Navigate to
Enter a valid document url containing a pdf file, or
Drag and drop a pdf document from your local device


In the window or document

Highlight any text,
Right-click with your mouse to open the browser context menu, and select ‘Save with Skhema’
The Chrome browser side panel will open
The copied content will be visible in the panel

In the side panel

Select the Skhema element the content relates to
Select the workspace you want to save the content to
Optional. Select a element already saved in Skhema to link the new content to eg. Supporting fact - -> Key challenge.
Optional. Rephrase the content extracted from the website or document using Skhema’s rule-based rephrasing.
Update any missing citation details. Save citations for: websites, documents, or journal articles.
Click Save, to commit the content to your Skhema workspace

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.